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There was little explanation of why Oakland Community College's Board of Trustees ousted Chancellor Tim Meyer after nine years. But now the board is saying Meyer was removed for "philosophical differences about the future direction of the college," according to The Oakland Press.

An email to the college's faculty from Academic Senate chair Shawn Dry and Robyn Tennison, the faculty association president, explained that the faculty leaders met with Interim Chancellor Peter Provenzano and Board Chair John McCulloch about improving communication and relations between the administration and the faculty.

The email also explained that Meyer was removed from his position because of "philosophical differences." In the meeting between the administrators and faculty leaders, they also discussed working together on policy and plans in the post-Meyer transition.

The board indicated it doesn't have immediate plans to search for Meyer's permanent replacement.

Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson said he was upset by the move to remove Meyer and believes the vote was driven by McCulloch in an attempt to control the board and the college.