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The U.S. Justice Department on Friday filed a brief defending President Trump against a suit charging that he is in violation of the Constitution's Emoluments Clause, which bars government leaders from taking gifts from foreign leaders. The suit charges that President Trump's hotels and restaurants provide a conduit for such gifts when foreign entities use them.

The Guardian noted that, among the Justice Department's many arguments that Trump is doing nothing wrong was one involving the libraries of universities outside the United States. And indeed on page 64 of the brief, the department suggests that many presidents have had international income. As an illustration of this, the brief notes that some of President Obama's international income "likely" included royalties on his books, which the department said catalogs verified were present in public university libraries outside the U.S. Those cited are in Australia (the University of Melbourne), Canada (the University of Ottawa) and China (Beijing Normal University and Peking University).

The photo above left is of a room in the Trump hotel in Washington. Above right is a Chinese edition of Obama's Dreams From My Father.