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Nearly 20 percent more people took the Law School Admission Test in June than did in the same month in 2016, the largest year-over-year increase in more than 15 years, according to the Law School Admission Council.

The total number of test takers last month was 27,606, up 19.8 percent from the June 2016 administration.

While the number of test takers has risen steadily in the last two years, since law school enrollments bottomed out after the recession, others are attributing the sharp increase this year to factors other than renewed confidence in the value of a law degree.

An article in the National Law Journal speculated that concerns about how the Trump administration is using the law may be contributing. “I think people are starting to understand again the necessity for the rule of law,” Kellye Testy, president of the law school council, told the legal publication. “Our current political climate has demonstrated that.”