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Charles Murray, whose speech at Middlebury College was shouted down in the spring, gave a talk at Harvard Wednesday night that attracted a protest but was not disrupted, The Boston Globe reported. Harvard had a substantial police presence at the event. Some students protested outside. Others held signs and walked out of the speech, but did so silently.

An essay in The Harvard Crimson on behalf of the Black Caucus of the Undergraduate Council said that Murray should not have been invited to give the talk, or he should have been part of a panel and not given the right to appear solo. (A student group invited him.) The essay referenced Murray's controversial work on race and intelligence, work that many call inaccurate and racist. "To invite Murray to campus and give him an unchecked platform from which he can participate in and legitimize a tradition of dehumanization of marginalized people -- the same tradition that is responsible for the tragedy of Charlottesville (and America’s entire history of racial trauma) -- is fundamentally at odds with who we should be as a college," the essay said.

After the event, Murray said on Twitter that he was pleased with how Harvard handled his visit.