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LiveText, a provider of assessment software solutions, is merging with Taskstream-Tk20, to create the world’s largest assessment software company for colleges and universities.
LiveText and Taskstream-Tk20 were previously direct competitors, but combined they will have “exponentially more resources to develop the next generation of assessment solutions” and provide institutions with better ways to measure student and institutional performance, a press release said.
Christopher Kalmus, LiveText’s President and co-founder said that he looked forward to continuing his company’s commitment to help institutions “stay at the forefront of learning assessment” as part of the Taskstream-Tk20 family.
“With a wealth of employee talents, more opportunities for collaboration, a richer background of experiences, and a client base of over 1,000 institutions from which to draw feedback, we look forward to innovating more rapidly and developing even better solutions to meet our clients’ current and future needs,” said Kalmus.