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Photos students posted to on social media, appearing to encourage segregation, alarmed many at Utica College last week. The college investigated and the president, Laura Casamento, posted to Facebook an explanation of what happened, and an apology from the students.

One photograph showed two white students sitting together with a sign that said: “Whites only. We’re privileged.” The other showed two black students with a sign that said: “Black People Section.”

The Facebook post by Casamento said that two minority students (whom she did not identify) admitted to creating the signs and posting the photos. They said that they were sitting around with other students, joking, and decided to make the signs, take the photographs and post them. "It was not any sort of historical reference nor was it an insult to any group or individual students within the [Utica College] community," said a statement from the students who created the images.

Casamento added: "This incident provides an opportune time to remind members of the college community that irresponsible social media behavior, no matter what the intent, can have far reaching and even dangerous consequences."