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Colleges across the country have been swept up as targets in a movement in which posters carrying the message “It’s OK To Be White” have been put up on city streets, high schools and other high-traffic areas.

The movement appears to have originated on 4chan, on online forum, The post called for the fliers to be put up so that people could watch a predicted media hysterity at them and their message, adding fuel to culture wars and damaging people’s perception of media.

In addition to examples found at a high school and on city streets, The Washington Post tracked instances of the fliers at Concordia College, Tulane University, Harvard University and the University of Alberta. 

“The episode is indicative of the efforts white-nationalist groups have made to recruit in and around the nation’s college campuses and other mainstream settings with claims of growing white maltreatment and expanding anti-white discrimination,” The Post reported. “The white victim construct is one that experts say, not so long ago, only had traction in avowed white supremacists, segregationists and neo-Nazi circles. But today, it animates open and anonymous public discussions of race and shapes the nation’s politics.”