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Anthony Scaramucci, who calls himself “The Mooch,” had a notoriously short tenure as President Trump's communications director. He is also a Tufts University graduate. Some students, faculty members and alumni at Tufts University are now circulating a petition calling for his removal from the advisory board of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts. The petition states that his advice is "not worthy" of Tufts, and adds that having him in a position of honor could discourage some from supporting Fletcher. A column in The Tufts Daily urged support for the petition, calling Scaramucci "a man who is irresponsible, inconsistent [and] an unethical opportunist and who exuded the highest degree of disreputability."
A Tufts spokesman told The Boston Globe: “We are aware of the petition and that there has been reaction to it among some students and alumni … As one would expect, there’s no clear consensus.”
On Twitter, Scaramucci offered to visit campus to talk directly with his critics.