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Attention, graduates: Bill Gates has a gift for you. He’s offering a free download of Hans Rosling’s book Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World -- and Why Things Are Better Than You Think.

Any student who was awarded an associate’s, bachelor’s or postgraduate degree from a U.S. college or university this spring is eligible for the free download on Gates’s blog, Gates Notes, after creating a Gates Notes account and providing the name of their college or university.

Gates hopes that Factfulness will help recent graduates see the world more clearly.

“The bulk of the book is devoted to 10 instincts that keep us from seeing the world factfully,” Gates wrote in an April blog post about the book. “These range from the fear instinct (we pay more attention to scary things), to the size instinct (standalone numbers often look more impressive than they really are), to the gap instinct (most people fall between two extremes). With each one, he offers practical advice about how to overcome our innate biases.”