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The Yale Rumpus, a student-run magazine, has retracted its first issue of the academic year after staffers included a joke about sexual assault.

The student journalists at the magazine, which generally offers a humorous take on the news, collected copies of the first issue earlier this month after editors were alerted to a quip about sexual assault, said Kristina Cuello, a Rumpus editor, in an interview.

The joke was included in an editor's note as follows, directed at the first-year students: “We here at Rumpus are happy for you and would also like to congratulate you on losing your virginity. Now, before you think, ‘Shit, does Rumpus know I blacked and let a senior on the baseball team raw me on that foul mattress in the Sig Nu basement?’ the answer is yes, but we’ll unpack that later.”

The editors published a note apologizing on the Rumpus Facebook page.

"As editors-in-chief, we are deeply sorry that we allowed this content to be published. None of the content was intended to reference sexual assault; its presence in the issue was a major editorial oversight entirely on the part of the editors-in-chief, who were the only ones to have access to the final version of the issue. Moving forward, we will be reviewing our editorial process and making an effort to be more sensitive to the possible implications of our content," the statement reads.