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With professional associations under pressure to do more to fight misconduct by their members, the American Association for the Advancement of Science announced Saturday that its governing council had approved a fellow revocation policy. The policy, which takes effect Oct. 15, outlines a process by which the association may consider and act on revoking the status of an elected fellow "in cases of proven scientific misconduct, serious breaches of professional ethics, or when the fellow in the view of AAAS no longer merits the status of fellow." That includes sexual harassment.
Margaret Hamburg, association president and chair of its council, said in a statement that harassment "has no place in science" and "we must do more as a scientific community to create a respectful and supportive environment for our colleagues and students." Hamburg added, "We need effective and responsive policies in academic departments and institutions, scientific societies, and government agencies that define expectations of behavior and provide clear reporting processes, as well as consequences for violations."