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Online program management companies 2U and Keypath Education have announced they will work together to help colleges launch and run online degrees.
2U has agreed to acquire a minority stake in the parent company that owns Keypath Education -- an OPM that specializes in working with small colleges and has offices in the U.S., Canada, Australia and England. Keypath Education currently works with 23 university partners.
The partnership will allow 2U to “expand the scope of its services” by working with smaller or lower-tuition degree programs than it typically supports, a 2U press release said. The company is known for working with selective institutions such as the Harvard Business School.
2U also announced this week that it will be offering its students complimentary access to LinkedIn Premium Career, which will help students to network and find jobs. The company will use insights from LinkedIn Premium Career to track students’ career progression and to improve employment outcomes for 2U’s university partners.