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A former homeless community college student could find his next residence in the White House if voters elect South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg in 2020.

Buttigieg's husband, Chasten Glezman Buttigieg, told The Washington Post that shortly after coming out as gay to his parents, he packed his bags and left home. Chasten Buttigieg "brought his bags to a friend's apartment, then bounced around on people's couches, trying not to wear out his welcome. Sometimes he slept in his car at the far edge of the parking lot of the community college where he was taking classes."

The Post doesn't name the community college Buttigieg attended, but he graduated from the University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire with a degree in theater and global studies. Before joining Pete Buttigieg on the campaign trail, Chasten taught drama at a Montessori school.

If the Buttigiegs find themselves leading the Democratic Party, Chasten would have familiarity with a significant number of college students who are homeless or housing insecure.