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Students at the University of Massachusetts at Lowell want it to take further action against Oliver Ibe, a professor of engineering who was recently demoted from associate dean over harassment allegations. About a dozen students gathered on campus this week, holding signs saying, "Fire Oliver Ibe." Related student and faculty and staff petitions urge Ibe’s suspension and a new review of the case. Another Lowell employee accused Ibe of touching and harassing her and said she was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress due to his unwanted advances, according to the Lowell Sun.

Lowell determined that Ibe violated its sexual misconduct policies and settled with the employee for $75,000. "This closed the case and it cannot be re-adjudicated based on the same set of facts," Christine Gillette, a spokesperson for Lowell, said in a statement. A complaint against the univeristy was filed with the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, but it was dismissed last year after the mutual agreement between the university and the complainant. A second complaint against Ibe, not the university, is pending with the commission. The Sun reported that Ibe has previously faced similar allegations. Ibe did not immediately respond to a request for comment.