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For the past 11 years, Wayne State University has at the start of the year released a list of long-lost words to bring back into current use. This year's list:
- Cachinnate -- to laugh loudly
- Coruscate -- (of light) to flash or sparkle
- Gewgaw -- a worthless, showy bauble
- Luculent -- clear in thought or expression
- Mullock -- rubbish, refuse, dirt
- Perendinate -- to procrastinate a long time, especially two days
- Redolent -- reminiscent or suggestive of, like a scent
- Seriatim -- taking one subject after another in regular order; point by point
- Somnambulant -- resembling or characteristic of a sleepwalker; sluggish
- Velleity -- a wish or inclination not strong enough to lead to action
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