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About 6 percent of undergraduate college students in 2015-16 were veterans of the U.S. military, active-duty service members, in the reserves or the National Guard, according to a new report from the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics. That number was 7 percent for graduate students.
The total amount the federal government spent on military education benefits and aid that year was $14.3 billion, up from $12.1 billion in 2010-11.
The report said 43 percent of military undergraduates and 36 percent of military graduate students received some form of federal veterans’ education benefits. Military undergraduates received an average of about $15,100 in benefits that year, while their graduate student peers received $16,300. The data showed that 78 percent of military undergraduates who received benefits were men, the report found, while 73 percent who didn't receive benefits were men.