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A federal court on Thursday permanently enjoined a Trump administration policy that would make it easier to impose multiyear bans on the re-entry of college students from other countries.

Four colleges in 2018 sued in federal court to challenge the policy, which eased how the federal government could determine that international students and exchange scholars on F, J and M visas had racked up an "unlawful presence" in the U.S. Students who accrue more than 180 days of unlawful presence in a single stay can face three- or 10-year prohibitions on re-entering the country.

The lawsuit claimed that some international students had left U.S. colleges as a result of the policy. The federal court last year issued a temporary injunction that blocked the government from enforcing the policy.

“International students and scholars came to the United States to study relying on a promise that our nation made to treat them fairly and transparently," Wendy Raymond, president of Haverford College, which had joined the lawsuit, said in a statement distributed by the Presidents' Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration.