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The California Collegiate Athletic Association, an NCAA Division II conference comprised of 12 California State University campuses and the University of California, San Diego, has suspended all sports competition for the fall of 2020, the association said. The announcement follows earlier news that the Cal State system is using a "virtual planning approach" for the fall semester.

The association cited the system's announcement and said the "utmost consideration for the health and welfare of our students, coaches, staff, faculty and communities" was behind the decision to drop fall competition.

"The CCAA member institutions will continue to advocate strongly to maintain NCAA championship opportunities for all of our student-athletes, including our fall sports, during the 2020-21 academic year and recommend competition resume when it is safe and appropriate to do so for all of its members," Gayle Hutchinson, president of Chico State University and chair of the CCAA Board of Presidents, said in a statement.