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Ohio University president Duane Nellis announced in a letter Friday that the university is effectively laying off 53 faculty members and 94 administrators, The Athens News reported. A total of 149 administrative positions at the public university will be abolished, but officials expect 55 to be rehired in new positions.
Before the letter, faculty at Ohio University had discussed the prospect of severe cuts.
The news follows the layoff of 140 unionized employees in dining and maintenance.
In his letter, Nellis also announced mandatory furlough days for administrators, faculty and some nonunionized employees. The number of furlough days for each individual depends on salary, and the transition will begin July 1.
Nellis reiterated in the letter that he and the university's provost will be taking 15 percent pay cuts. Several other senior administrators, along with the athletic director and coaches for the men's football and basketball teams, have also volunteered for a 10 percent pay cut.
A previous version of this article said that tenure-track faculty had seen their contracts non-renewed and some programs, such as African-American Studies, will be without any tenure-track faculty. An Ohio University spokesperson has clarified that no tenure-track faculty have seen their contracts non-renewed.
A previous version of this article also said Nellis and the university's provost will be taking 10 percent pay cuts. They will instead be taking 15 percent pay cuts.