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The U.S. Department of Education fined Baylor University, a Baptist institution in Texas, $461,656 for violations of the Clery Act, a federal statute that requires colleges to publicly report crime statistics.
The investigation started in 2017 after a sexual assault scandal that led to the resignation under pressure of President Ken Starr and the dismissal of the head football coach Art Briles in 2016.
The university said in a statement that the violations identified for the period of 2011 to 2016 included “lack of administrative capability, failure to report accurate crime statistics in the annual security report, failure to comply with timely warning issuance and policy provisions, and failure to maintain an accurate, complete daily crime log.”
“We have worked diligently to resolve the issues that prevented Baylor from effectively implementing our Clery obligations in the past, and we believe that the Department of Education took note of our corrective actions and found them acceptable,” Baylor president Linda A. Livingstone said.