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Out of sight but not out of mind. While the Biden White House quickly archived a Trump-era report on U.S. history that was widely panned by historians, Hillsdale College is giving the report new life. The college, whose president, Larry P. Arnn, served as chairman of the commission that produced The President's Advisory 1776 Commission Final Report, says it has published an enhanced report through Encounter Books. This “113-page, full-color edition includes a new preface, notes and commentary” by Arnn, the college said in an announcement. Carol Swain, former professor of political science and professor of law at Vanderbilt University, and Matthew Spalding, dean of Hillsdale’s Graduate School of Government, also contributed. “This report is the effort of many fine and intelligent people. I am glad to work with them,” Arnn said. “We as a country must continue to work together to protect the principles it articulates and the liberties they promise.”