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William Behre, president of Slippery Rock University in Pennsylvania, said he will get permanently inked if at least 75 percent of students receive the COVID-19 vaccine before Dec. 3.

“While I have to admit that getting a tattoo hasn’t exactly been a lifelong desire of mine, it would be a memorable -- and permanent -- way of making clear just how important I think it is for our students at Slippery Rock University to get fully vaccinated,” Behre said in a press release. “If getting a tattoo needle in my arm will inspire others to get the vaccine needle in theirs, then it would be well worth it.”

The Slippery Rock-themed tattoo would be the president’s first, and the design will be selected via a campuswide contest. Students and employees can submit design options and the president will choose three finalists, which will then go to a vote.

If at least 65 percent of students are vaccinated by Nov. 1, the university will raffle off five parking spots to students. If the student vaccination rate reaches 70 percent by Nov. 17, the university will randomly select one student to receive free tuition for the spring semester. Students must submit proof of vaccination to be eligible for the prizes.