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The Board of Governors for Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) voted Thursday to request $550 million from the state to fund the system in the next fiscal year. If it’s approved, the system would receive $73 million more than it received the previous year.

“This request is vital to the future and mission of the system,” Cynthia D. Shapira, chair of the board, said in a press release. “It reflects what our data modeling shows will be needed for the PASSHE institutions to operate effectively while remaining affordable, one of our primary goals. Fulfilling this request would send a clear signal that the Commonwealth wants to invest in every current and potential student -- the future workforce that will drive Pennsylvania’s economy.”

As the system tries to obtain more money from the state, it is also cutting costs. The most high-profile belt-tightening initiative is the ongoing and controversial consolidation of six PASSHE institutions. Since 2018, the system has cut $173 million from its budget, according to a press release.