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Undergraduate students who hold jobs -- any jobs -- at Kenyon College have filed a petition with the National Labor Relations Board for a union election. If it is successful, the Kenyon Student Worker Organizing Committee, which is affiliated with the United Electric, Radio & Machine Workers -- would be the first wall-to-wall union of undergraduates in the U.S.
Kenyon has about 600 undergraduate student workers, and the union has filed at approximately 60 percent support on cards.
The college said, "Kenyon will have the opportunity to respond to the petition at the NLRB in the coming days."
In December, the college declined to voluntarily recognize a campuswide union of undergraduate student workers. "Our undergraduates are first and foremost students on our campus for four years, and the college believes that it can best fulfill its educational mission, preserve Kenyon’s collaborative environment, and meet students’ financial needs by working directly with students and their families," the college said.