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The University of Rochester on Wednesday released guidelines for holiday parties in light of COVID-19.

The guidelines state that departments should "carefully consider whether to have in-person holiday functions with food or drink," and for those that do so:
  • "All attendees, including visitors, at indoor gatherings shall be masked and remain masked up to the point of eating or drinking. Attendees may only remove their masks when they are seated with food or drink, or if they are standing at a bar height/high top table. Attendees at tables must not overcrowd the eating space and must be actively eating when masks are removed, ideally for 15 minutes or less.
  • "Events shall be limited to the seating capacity of the room.
  • "If attendees move from one location to any other location within the gathering, with or without food or drink, they must wear their mask.
  • "For reception-style events, it is a best practice to have the food at the end of the meeting/celebration and have it optional for people to take back to their work area.
  • "Another best practice is that events with food be held outdoors or under tents -- whenever possible and as weather permits -- and that social distancing be practiced when feasible."