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Men attending Borough of Manhattan Community College who meet certain eligibility criteria will be guaranteed admission to Morehouse College, the all-male historically Black college in Atlanta, as a part of a new partnership between the institutions.
Campus leaders signed a transfer agreement last week. All male BMCC students with a GPA of 2.7 or higher who earned their associate degree at the college can participate.
“Years of research and analysis into student success at BMCC has shown that students are most successful and equity gaps are reduced when there is a clear, guided academic pathway and when they are in cohort programs,” BMCC president Anthony E. Munroe said in a news release.
The transfer pathway will also be designed to focus on “easing the transition of students who participate in this partnership by creating several engagement opportunities that will educate young men on the academic offerings, culture, and traditions of the College—which we, ultimately, believe will encourage timely matriculation upon their transfer,” Morehouse College president David A. Thomas said in the release.