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Judy K. Sakaki announced Monday that she will resign as president of Sonoma State University, effective July 31. The California State University Board of Trustees will begin a national search for a new president. An interim president will be announced shortly.
“Serving as Sonoma State President has truly been an honor. After thoughtful reflection and discussions with my family, I made the decision to step away as president of this wonderful campus,” stated Sakaki.
Sakaki announced in April that she is separating from her husband, Patrick McCallum, a lobbyist for higher education, who has been accused of harassing women. The university paid $600,000 this year to settle a complaint by Lisa Vollendorf, a former provost, who reported on the harassment and said the university didn’t do enough about her complaint.
Many at Sonoma State have criticized Sakaki for not doing more about the allegations against her husband. The Faculty Senate voted no confidence in Sakaki in May.