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The president of the College Republicans at the University of Wisconsin at La Crosse has resigned from her post after other members of the student organization posted antisemitic and homophobic messages on the group’s Instagram, Madison365 reported.

“I am resigning effective immediately because the Republican Party is a big tent, open to all who believe in liberty and freedom, and I will not stand by while others are ostracized. Antisemitism and hate speech have no place in the College Republicans, and I hope my gesture tonight will send a message to the remaining membership that actions like these are unacceptable,” the former president, Megan Pauley, wrote in her resignation post on Twitter.

The image came from a sidewalk chalking event the College Republicans held Tuesday, where people were encouraged to “write about issues that are important to you.” It depicted a chalk message that read, “Kanye is right,” most likely referring to antisemitic social media posts from earlier in the week posted by Ye, as the rapper Kanye West is now known. According to tweets from the university’s College Democrats, other messages written during the chalking event criticized gun control, COVID-19 vaccines and the LGBTQ community.

The adviser for both the College Democrats and the College Republicans condemned the post as well, saying on Twitter, “My continuation as their faculty advisor will be contingent on the remaining members of the group apologizing for the statement.”

The College Republicans have since made the group’s Instagram private, and Pauley’s resignation post has been deleted from Twitter.