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The Florida Department of Education has said that public schools in the state cannot offer the new Advanced Placement course in African American studies, The Miami Herald reported.
The department, which is part of the administration of Republican governor Ron DeSantis, said that the course “lacks educational value.”
“In the future, should College Board be willing to come back to the table with lawful, historically accurate content, [the Florida Department of Education] will always be willing to reopen the discussion,” the state wrote in a letter to the College Board, which administers the AP program.
The College Board released this statement to Inside Higher Ed: “Like all new AP courses, AP African American Studies is undergoing a rigorous, multi-year pilot phase, collecting feedback from teachers, students, scholars and policymakers. The process of piloting and revising course frameworks is a standard part of any new AP course, and frameworks often change significantly as a result. We will publicly release the updated course framework when it is completed and well before this class is widely available in American high schools. We look forward to bringing this rich and inspiring exploration of African-American history and culture to students across the country.”