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Inclusive Conversations

Diversity and inclusion can be challenging ideals to discuss, let alone realize. Elizabeth Simmons shares strategies gleaned from conversations with trusted colleagues.

An MLA Interviewee’s Survival Guide

A year out from his own run through the annual meeting gauntlet, Christopher Garland offers tips on being prepared, impressing the search committee -- and avoiding that last-minute meltdown in the elevator.

5 Professional Skills

Grad students can be strategic about being employable later, writes Karla P. Zepeda.

Alt-Ac for the Holidays

When your faculty friends are far from campus, what's an alt-ac administrator to do? Brenda Bethman has a plan.

No Justice! No Peace! No Writing?

Post-Ferguson, how can young scholars balance their desire to join in activism with the demands of winning tenure? Kerry Ann Rockquemore considers the issues.

I'm Such a Loser But Happy

Christopher White writes about how he rejected the norms and came to love his career.

Tech Tools

Joseph Barber reviews websites and databases that can help the Ph.D. or postdoc doing a job search.

The Inverse Interview

About to interview for an academic position? Elizabeth Simmons suggests how to ask questions that convey your enthusiasm and readiness for the role.