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The Road to Tenure: Understanding the Process

Don Haviland, Anna M. Ortiz and Laura Henriques give advice on how to understand your institution’s timeline, criteria and unwritten expectations.

Posttenure Mentoring Networks

Just because you’ve gained tenure doesn’t mean you don’t need mentoring, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore, who gives advice on how to find a whole new supportive group of people.

The Creative Academic

Academe’s standardized processes can strip our work of personal meaning, writes Janelle Ward, who recommends how to approach teaching and research in new ways.

A New Way for Ph.D.s to Plan Their Careers

Teresa Dillinger, Annie Maxfield and Sarah Peterson introduce ImaginePhD, a career-exploration and planning tool for doctoral students.

Building Community Through a Syllabus

Z Nicolazzo has created a syllabus geared toward promoting the continuing work being done regarding trans* populations in higher education.

Sexual Violence Research Must Be LGBTQ Inclusive

The fact that sexual and intimate partner violence is found in lesbian and gay relationships proves that there is more to the phenomenon than cisgender, heterosexual men victimizing cisgender, heterosexual women, argues Sarah A. Stephens.

Should I Be Preparing to Leave?

Judith S. White explores the options and provides a strategy that will prepare you whether you decide to stay or go.

Mind-Set Shifts for Posttenure Success

The mind-sets that helped you gain tenure can silently undermine your success afterward if you don’t identify and shift them, warns Kerry Ann Rockquemore.