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How to Talk About Assessment

At many interviews for faculty jobs these days, you'll be asked about assessment. Melissa Dennihy offers some ideas on how to answer.

Getting a Life in the Humanities

Greg Colón Semenza and Garrett A. Sullivan Jr. share some of the reflections in their new book about careers in academe -- notwithstanding all the negative stories.

Becoming a Renaissance CBO

The role of the chief business officer is changing (and expanding) dramatically, and current and prospective CBOs must broaden their skills and approaches, write Thomas Ayers and Karen Goldstein.

Mentors vs. Sponsors

Kerry Ann Rockquemore describes how to woo a key backer for your academic career.

Attitude Adjustment

James M. Van Wyck thinks about what he wishes he had understood about the academic job market at the start of his doctoral education.

Midcareer Melancholy

Joya Misra and Jennifer Lundquist consider job (dis)satisfaction among associate professors.

Sometimes Permission, Always Forgiveness

Sometimes an academic has to ignore a few rules to get things done, writes Nate Kreuter.

Jumping in the Deep End

Terri E. Givens describes her decision, six years after returning to a faculty job, to become a provost.