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Ready, Set, Speak

Public speaking can be scary, and struggling with it can hurt your career. Aisha Langford offers advice on how you can improve your speaking skills and build your confidence.

Scholars Under Attack

Eric Joy Denise offers suggestions on how to offer support.

What I Wish I Had Known

Kirstie Ramsey reflects on what would have been good knowledge when she was starting on the tenure track.

Who Is Fellini?

When teaching undergraduates, it's important to remember what they don't know and to offer cues, writes Rob Weir.

Academic Guilt

Kerry Ann Rockquemore has advice for a young academic who feels bad about every minute spent in anything but work.

The Backup Plan

Every new Ph.D. needs a plan B, writes Thomas Magaldi.

Diversity and the Ivory Ceiling

Midcareer minority faculty members face particular challenges, write Joya Misra and Jennifer Lundquist.

Doing Your Homework

Melissa Dennihy discusses how to prepare for an interview for a faculty job.