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Advice for Aspiring Academics

Philip Nel has some ideas for those seeking to land on the tenure track.

Making the Most of the Syllabus

More detail can save faculty members lots of time answering questions later, writes Eszter Hargittai.

Democratizing the Academic Job Search

Job candidates have access to more information than ever about the search process, but departments and their faculties must not leave grad students to the vagaries of Internet advice, Marietta Morrissey argues.

Awkward Interactions

Kerry Ann Rockquemore explains how to get the support you need and avoid the conversations you don't want during your tenure review year.

The Federal Option

James M. Van Wyck interviews Alexandra Lord, who left a tenure-track position in history for a career in government -- and is glad she made the switch.

Doctoral Students Need Support Groups, Too

Robert Greim describes how his graduate cohort helped themselves and other future academics by creating a student organization.

The CEO Is the Difference

Colleges -- especially those facing major financial difficulties -- need leaders who can craft a vision as well as carry it out, write Yoram and Edith Neumann.

The 'Revise and Resubmit'

Michael S. Harris offers advice on how to handle a key part of the publishing process.