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Diversity Then and Now

Gretchel Hathaway considers the evolution of campus moves to be more inclusive, and the officials who lead such efforts.

Administrator Searches

Robert J. Sternberg suggests seven principles to keep in mind if you are applying to be a dean, provost or president.

Interview Questions

Sarah Ann Fleming considers what you are likely to be asked and what you might want to ask.

Talking to Civilians

Academics all stand to gain if they become better skilled at talking about their work with non-academics, writes Katrina Gulliver.

Beyond the Tenure Track

A new round of debate over the job market for traditional academic positions illustrates why it's time to recognize the alt-ac community on campuses, write Brenda Bethman and C. Shaun Longstreet.

The Math Doesn’t Work

Most faculty members don't have the hours in a day to do everything they are supposed to do, writes Nate Kreuter.

'Risk' and Reward

Academics who make a career shift to the for-profit sector sometimes face the added challenge of being "tarred" by the move, writes Trenda Boyum-Breen. She and others discuss why it's worth it.

Jobs at Religious Colleges

You may not need to share the faith of the institution, but you need to understand it to figure out if you might be a good fit, writes Melanie Springer Mock.