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The Associate Professor as Chair

Ideally, colleges shouldn't have anyone but full professors run their departments, Lawrence Abele argues. But if they must, here are some guidelines to make the best of the situation.

Trending in Career Services

Kevin Grubb reviews the key skills for those seeking jobs helping students find jobs.

Introducing 'Across the Sectors'

More administrators and professors are moving between nonprofit and for-profit colleges or working in both simultaneously. Trenda Boyum-Breen begins a new column on navigating the shift.

Why Is Change So Difficult?

Patrick Sanaghan, Mary Hinton and Steve Riccio consider why it is so hard to shift institutions -- and strategies for building support to do just that.

Gay at a Christian College

A faculty member describes the choice of staying in the closet or losing a job.

Pre-Tenure Leadership

Early career faculty should demonstrate leadership through projects that also advance their teaching and research programs, Elizabeth Simmons writes.

Making Yourself 'Fit'

At teaching-oriented colleges, a search committee will be focused on how candidates match institutional values, not just their C.V.s, writes Melanie Springer Mock.

Building Your E-Village

Sometimes grad students need more support than they can find on campus, writes Rachel Leventhal-Weiner.