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We Did Not Change the World

San Francisco, technology, and higher education: 1998 to 2018.

Should We Really Follow Daniel Pink's Career Advice in 'When'?

Thinking about our academic careers and 'The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing’.

Downloading Mobile Content, Executive Education, and the Future of Course Materials

Does the new entertainment tell us anything about where education may be going?

The Super Bowl and the Brain

Why watching the NFL, and the big game, is getting increasingly uncomfortable for learning nerds.

Friday Fiction

What books have you been reading for fun so far in 2018?

Listening to 'Hillbilly Elegy' on the Google iOS Play Books App

Experimenting with Google audiobooks as a competitor to Audible / Amazon, and why any of this should matter to academic librarians.

The Constant Failure of Departmental / Unit Website Redesign Projects

Why you should never get involved in a website redesign project if you can help it.