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EdTech and a Broken Nest Thermostat

Balancing the benefits of new campus technologies with the demands of institutional resilience.

Conference FOMO

A list of the 2017 digital learning innovation conferences that I attended, and those that I missed.

'The Sum of Small Things', Inconspicuous Consumption, and the Small College Town

Are small college towns and big superstar cities more alike than we realize?

Tim O'Reilly's Tech-Company Positive ‘WTF'

A book-length argument for the benefits of our corporate digital age.

Is Comcast Really More Innovative Than Ed Tech?

What the most hated company in America might be telling us about the reasons behind the stalled progress in educational technology.

Does Avoiding Social Media Limit An Alt-Ac Career?

The cost of staying away from Twitter, Facebook and blogs in an emerging and networked profession.

My First 5 Tech Steps at an Economically Vulnerable Institution

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica} What changes would you make?