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Purchased Twitter Followers and Alt-Acs

Why a NYTimes story 'The Follower Factory' made me think about social media incentives for alternative academics.

What Do Academic Librarians Think About RBMedia?

The biggest audiobook player that we’ve never heard of.

The New Google Play Audiobooks and the Academic Library

Why competition for Amazon / Audible could be a good thing for higher education. Maybe.

Confounding Traditional and Open Online Courses

Responding to "Online Courses Are Harming the Students Who Need the Most Help”.

Why Amazon Chose Hanover, NH for the HQ2 Shortlist

The liberal arts, distributed work, and quality of life.

What a $4,000 Treadmill Means for the Future of Higher Education

Peloton’s home-based fitness classes, online education, and the new death of distance.

'Capitalism without Capital' and Why Universities Are Valuable

Thinking about the intangible economy through the lens of higher education.