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Drone U.

As tension over drones is rising, so too is their use among academics. The unmanned vehicles' potential for research is huge, but privacy concerns remain.


The College Board will redesign its signature exam, with an emphasis on "core knowledge and skills."

Academic Jerks

A professor's reflection on personalities prevalent in academe strikes a chord with scholars.

The Cost of Need-Blind

Grinnell won't consider applicants' ability to pay, at least for two years. But college will raise loan limits and try to attract more wealthy students. Is this the future model for elite private higher ed?

Snapshot Dissertation

Should universities require graduate students to pare down years of research into a soundbite that can be understood by non-scholars?

World's Would-Be Grad Students

ETS releases country-by-country GRE averages, and results point to importance of foreign students in U.S. graduate schools.

Biting the Bullet on Completion

A community college tries to boost its completion rate, but takes a 20 percent enrollment hit in the process.

'Warnings From the Trenches'

Professors rally behind a high school teacher who says No Child Left Behind has created a generation of test-takers unprepared for higher education.