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Juvenile Records and Admissions

Court ruling raises question of whether judicial authorities should let colleges know about their applicants' (sealed) records of misconduct.

Schoolhouse Showdown

A historical study of clashing values in teachers' unions appears as Chicago teachers suspend strike. Scott McLemee asks the author for context.

Mature Market for Online Education

Growth in adult students' interest in online education is stagnating, report finds, and colleges will have to do more to stand out online.

Strengthening the Core

Richard R. Schramm writes that the Common Core State Standards may well succeed where previous reform efforts have failed.

Efficiency in Job Training

The U.S. lags with disorganized system of preparing workers for middle-income jobs, report finds. A national "learning exchange" could help fix the problem.

Gates, MOOCs and Remediation

The Gates Foundation is ponying up to learn if MOOCs could work for remedial students, a departure from the current slate of MOOCs. Developmental education experts say the idea could work, but others remain skeptical.

Renewed Debate on SAT and Wealth

New study says test has equal predictive value for those with high and low socioeconomic status, a potentially significant finding. But critics question the analysis.

Can Do for Community Colleges

Community colleges can do better despite the challenges they face, Joshua Wyner writes, citing leaders on graduation rates and student outcomes.