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Mizzou Renames a Long-Standing Black Student Group Event

University of Missouri at Columbia officials have asked Black students to change the name of a long-standing start-of-term tradition to...
A photo illustration with a quote from an AAUP statement saying “academic freedom and productive debate may not always be appropriately secured by a categorical position that disregards nuance and is inattentive to context.” The quote is superimposed over the document.

AAUP Faces Criticism for Reversal on Academic Boycotts

The American Association of University Professors announced Monday it had dropped its categorical opposition to the tactic. Critics say the organization has changed for the worse, but its new president isn’t backing down.

A photo illustration with a quote from the AAUP’s new statement on academic boycotts, superimposed over a longer portion of the statement.

AAUP Ends Two-Decade Opposition to Academic Boycotts

In 2005, the American Association of University Professors spoke out against this form of protest amid calls for scholars to spurn Israeli institutions. Now, the group says boycotts “can be considered legitimate tactical responses.”

A photograph of a Florida International University building.

Lawmaker Claims Credit for Antisemitism Review at Florida Universities

State Representative Randy Fine says that after he repeatedly called the state university chancellor about a “Muslim terror textbook,” the system launched an evaluation of courses at all public universities.

Otter AI Catches Yale Researchers Insulting Interviewee

A group that opposes the number of addiction treatment programs in the Harlem neighborhood in New York City says artificial...

Indiana U Fences Protest Site, Ends Encampment

Indiana University cleared the last of a pro-Palestinian encampment from its historic Dunn Meadow Friday and placed a fence around...
Catherine Lhamon at a microphone

‘A New Low’: Civil Rights Chief Calls Out Discrimination on Campuses

Catherine Lhamon said Thursday that the handling of discrimination on college campuses has hit “a new low” and that protecting free speech should not have to conflict with combating discrimination. Others are not so sure.

A cartoon of a professor holding up a sign in the left panel, speaking into a standing mike in the middle panel and speaking at a lectern in the last panel.

Survey Finds Most Professors Are Comfortable Teaching Sensitive Topics

A snapshot of academic freedom perceptions in a tumultuous academic year yields results that may surprise higher education observers. But demographic breakdowns might provide a more complex picture.