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Missing From the Stacks

Illinois librarians say deep ethnographic research is the best way to learn how to serve Latino students.

Athletes for Gay Rights

A straight star in college wrestling launches organization to promote equity in sports for people of all orientations.

A Call to Shun

Philosophers debate whether to isolate sexual harassers by minimizing contact with them and ending the practice of inviting them to appear at conferences.

'An Unwanted Consequence'

After Ben Barres delivered a lecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, another scientist was overheard making a telling remark...

What Women (Presidents) Want

Four female academic leaders use panel to call for more representation at the top of academe.

Leadership Without the Limelight

The glass ceiling long since shattered, Princeton women steer away from high-profile student offices toward more obscure leadership roles.

Tougher Climate for Test Givers

In settlement over medical board's failure to accommodate a Yale student with dyslexia, U.S. government heralds impending rules that will prod colleges and testing agencies on rights of disabled test takers.

Tougher Line on Sexual Harassment

Two universities agree to take numerous steps to end investigations by the Education Department.