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Presidential Perks

New study on compensation for leaders of state colleges and universities finds costs for bonuses and other expensive benefits are growing.

Contours of a New Discipline

Conference at Georgetown U discusses how to train future ed-tech leaders and whether creating a new discipline is the answer.

Are At-Risk Students Bunnies to Be Drowned?

President's plan to weed out some students soon after they arrive -- and his alleged metaphor for the plan -- set off furor at Mount St. Mary's U.

Adjunct Retirement Insecurity

TIAA-CREF survey reveals adjunct faculty members' concerns about having enough savings to retire. Experts say the situation for most adjuncts is even more dire.

Academics Prepared for Retirement

Higher ed employees plan to retire later than other Americans, but a survey suggests they do more financial planning for that eventuality.

Adjuncts, Retirements and Sexual Harassment: A Survey of Campus HR Leaders

Chief human resources officers overwhelmingly believe their institutions are doing enough to prevent sexual harassment by employees – but are...

Senior (Citizen) Student Debt Rising

Older Americans are increasingly burdened by federal student loans -- and they struggle to repay the debt at much higher rates than their younger counterparts, a new government report finds.

Anticipating Cost Hikes

Unsure about how insurance costs will fare when Affordable Care Act is fully in place, institutions are passing on anticipated cost increases to employees, CUPA-HR survey suggests.