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5 Things We Must Do Better When This Thing Is Over

Matthew Wright offers suggestions for fellow Zoomed-out faculty instructors.

Having Their Say -- and Then Some

Trustees at Florida Atlantic want to play a role -- maybe a big one -- in the faculty tenure process. The faculty union thinks that's unwarranted -- and dangerous.

The DEI Pathway to Promotion

Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis says it's putting its policies where its mouth is, approving new promotion and tenure options based on diversity, equity and inclusion work.

Lhamon Nominated for Top Civil Rights Post

President Biden's nominee for assistant secretary for civil rights is no stranger to the Department of Education -- Catherine Lhamon held the same position during the Obama administration.

A Troublesome Year Leads to President’s Firing

Ronald Graham served as president of Haskell Indian Nations University for about one year and was removed amid student and faculty claims that he suppressed free speech on campus.

‘Behind the Diversity Numbers’

Author discusses his new book on “achieving racial equity on campus.”

Everything Has a History -- but Only for the Elite?

The attack on the humanities, especially at less selective universities, is a violation of some of the basic premises of undergraduate education, argue Mary Beth Norton and James Grossman.

A Difficult Pathway

Faculty members with disabilities say stigma prevents some from being open about their conditions, and the path to the academy still has its barriers.