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150 Years of College Access

At celebration of land-grant universities, Bill Gates and others tell campus leaders they must use financial aid and new technology to maintain the Morrill Act's emphasis on student access and agricultural education.

Mending Fences

University press directors bemoan ruling in Georgia State copyright case, discuss how to make up with librarians and curb unlicensed copying outside the courts.

Non-Tenure-Track Economics

Survey seeks to publicize the low pay and minimal benefits of part-time instructors.

The Sporting Life

A new book denounces competitive athletics as "a global plague." Scott McLemee pulls no punches.

When University Presses Fail

Closures speak volumes about a university's priorities and about academe's priorities, writes Jeffrey R. Di Leo.

Easing the Path to Retirement

Colleges honored for creative approaches to encouraging professors to consider going emeritus.

Knee-Jerk Reforms on Remediation

The conclusion that remedial education has failed is based on flawed interpretations of data and unsupported assertions, write Hunter R. Boylan and Alexandros Goudas.

Too Catholic to Unionize?

Last month, Duquesne signed an agreement with the NLRB for an election to decide if adjuncts could unionize. Now, citing religious concerns, the university wants out