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'Socrates in the Boardroom'

Many professors believe instinctively that their colleges and universities are better off being led by presidents with genuine academic careers...

Turning Surveys Into Reforms

10 years after launch of National Survey of Student Engagement, many worry that colleges have been speedier to embrace giving the questionnaire than using its results. And some experts want changes in what the survey measures.

'Saving Alma Mater'

The system for financing public higher education is broken -- and not just because of the recession, according to James...

Customized Uniformity

A Wisconsin business school gets a grant to write custom e-textbooks aimed at keeping students on the same page

'How Do You Know?'

As head of the Teagle Foundation for six years, Robert Connor didn't have anywhere near the money of the Lumina...

Whose Metrics?

As community colleges begin national accountability project, Oregon experience shows that the numbers that lawmakers may want don’t always overlap with the ones educators need.

Reforming the Humanities Ph.D.

Analysis of key effort to change doctoral programs offers insights into how they can cut time to degree and help grads land tenure-track jobs, and challenges assumptions on gender and what happens to those who leave programs.

Half-Learned Lessons

Ten years after the National Center for Academic Transformation began course redesigns, early adopters applaud learning outcomes but remain ambivalent about the cost reduction.