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We Need to Cultivate Student Affairs Practitioner Scholarship

Colleges should recognize that research grounded in the daily experiences of those most knowledgeable about students’ lives is crucial for meeting students’ needs, argues Chelsea Gilbert.

For Small Private Colleges, a Mixed Year in Admissions

Leaving out the Ivies and similar institutions, it's a very complicated year to be putting together a freshman class. Some colleges aren't talking about where they are. Others are having notable success.

Ethical College Admissions: Lexington Without Concord

Jim Jump considers history and race at Washington and Lee University and the Virginia Military Institute.

The Week in Admissions News

International applications; community college enrollment falls; states battle critical race theory; "Heritage and Hate"; debt relief at Black colleges.

Stanford Changes Admissions Policy for Athletes

University, citing competition in football from Notre Dame and USC, will allow athletes to enroll early in a three-year experiment.
illustration of climbing stairs to represent career advancement

Let’s Make This the ‘Year of Stackability’

To educate adult learners successfully, short-term credentials must build toward degrees, Paul Freedman and Paul LeBlanc argue.

Who Showed Up and Who Didn't

College Board analysis is latest to find that community colleges suffered more than four-year colleges, but report also suggests that four-year colleges saw a loss of students with higher grades. And some states saw gains in enrollment at four-year colleges.