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Brexit Fears

Some British universities report that faculty job candidates don't want to commit until after the vote on the European Union.

Publicity-Shy Academics

In the Middle East and North Africa, many researchers don't boast about their findings, explains one expert.

From Singapore to Santa Fe

An education company based in the Asian state seeks to buy the Santa Fe University of Art and Design.

The $332,000 Doctorate

U of Cambridge introduces business program that is one of the most expensive degrees in the world.

Chilling Higher Ed Cooperation in China?

The country's strict new law regulating the activities of foreign nongovernmental organizations raises many unanswered questions for universities operating there.

‘I, Too, Am Study Abroad’

SUNY Oswego has seen success expanding the diversity of its students who study abroad.

Barcelona Rising

A growing research institute -- operating outside Spain's standard higher education regulations -- attracts foreign talent in a city seeing increased prominence in higher education.

Truth for Giulio

The torture of a foreign student has become the synecdoche for uncounted thousands of people now in Egyptian prisons or graves, writes Scott McLemee.