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The Explosion of 'Casual' Labor

Australian universities' use of adjunct instructors grows much faster than other types of faculty employment -- especially for teaching-only positions.

Student Victims in Terror Attack

Two Emory students and one from Berkeley are killed in terrorist attack in Bangladesh.

Gender Equity or Else

Ireland considers plan for financial punishments for universities that fail to meet specified targets.

Brexit's Enrollment Effects

Following the Brexit vote, many anticipate a drop in the number of E.U. students at U.K. universities. Could American institutions attract some of them?

Brexit Vote Stuns British Academe

Decision to leave E.U. reflects divisions in nation but goes against wishes of university leaders and many professors.

The Dutch Fight for Research Integrity

Every researcher will be questioned. New funds will go toward replication of findings.

Brexit and the Academy

British citizens vote in a referendum on the U.K.'s continued membership in the E.U. Thursday. What's at stake for higher education?

The Brexit Challenge to Universities

The U.K.'s referendum on exiting the E.U. has the potential to significantly slow the growth of higher education at home and abroad, argues Christopher R. Marsicano.