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Internationalizing the Professions

At best practices conference, panelists discuss strategies to incorporate international experiences into highly regulated degree programs like air traffic management and nursing.

Global Ambitions

NYU reinvents itself as a "global network university," but critics at home question the creation of campuses in nondemocratic countries and the effect of rapid international expansion on programs in Greenwich Village.

Private Colleges Stall in Australia

Sector's stratospheric enrollment growth flattens, in wake of policy changes that restricted flow of public funds to students at private institutions.

Sexual Assault and Study Abroad

New preliminary research suggests that the risk of sexual assault for female undergraduates increases during study abroad.

International Exchange Increasing

Open Doors data show foreign student enrollments are up 5.7 percent and study abroad 1.3 percent. For the first time in more than 10 years, top category of foreign student is undergraduates.

‘Mission-Driven, Market-Smart’

In the face of concerns about market constraints on tuition, liberal arts colleges are starting to promote existing strengths to new groups, including corporate partners.

Hold the Phone

U.S. appeals panel overturns lower court ruling that Tennessee-Knoxville acted legally in firing Seventh-day Adventist employee who declined to monitor emergency help line during her Sabbath.

Study Abroad, Graduate on Time

Should studying off-campus become a new retention strategy?